The Two Most Empowering Words You Use Every Day

—Vocabulary to either move you forward or hold you back

Kim Byrne
10 min readDec 17, 2021

“Language is our portal to meaning-making, connection, healing, learning, and self-awareness.” — Brené Brown

In the book Atlas of the Heart, Brené Brown combines twenty years of research with powerful storytelling to invite readers into a conversation about emotions and experiences. The book uses a map metaphor to orient us to a sense of place within our true self.

Traditional maps present layers of navigational information about your location on planet Earth: roads, cities, population, elevation, topography, etc. Atlas of the Heart’s structure offers layers of information for helping us “find our way back to our heart and to our truest self.” Brown’s map uses research-defined emotions and personal stories to explore and help answer three main mapping questions:

  • Where am I?
  • How did I get here from there?
  • How do I get there from here?

All three questions are addressed with the raw tenderness, vulnerability and kick-ass Texas philosophy the author, researcher and storyteller is known for. And while the book takes the reader on an incredible journey, and one worth revisiting multiple times, there is one question I think is…



Kim Byrne

A conscious lifestyle design coach. A walking writer, struggling essentialist, and recovering perfectionist. Learn more: